Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Grace - Not just for meals anymore

The funniest thing I have found on my journey as a newly saved Christian, is when talking to my friends and family they all have no idea (and well neither did I) what the Grace of God is. Laughingly most admit, that they just figured that grace was that little prayer you said before meals at Christmas and Thanksgiving. WOW what a delusion. How many of us have lived in fear and shame because we were not aware of the Grace of our Lord?

"So just as sin ruled over all people and brought them to death, now God’s wonderful grace rules instead, giving us right standing with God and resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" Romans 5:21

"Because of his grace he declared us righteous and gave us confidence that we will inherit eternal life.” Titus 3:6-8

Praise the Lord, how awesome is that. We are given right standing with God which results in eternal life through Jesus, simply because of God's wonderful grace. Grace we are given simply by asking for it. There is no prerequisites, no test or exams, no hoops to jump through, no minimums and no maximums. God wants to give you His grace simply for being you. He loves you just the way you are and wants to bring you to salvation just as you are right now. You have nothing to do to get His grace but to ask for it.

"for Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved" Romans 10:13

"And since it is through God’s kindness, then it is not by their good works. For in that case, God’s grace would not be what it really is—free and undeserved" Romans 11:5-7

You have nothing to do but to call to the Lord ask for His salvataion and you will be saved by His grace. That is the best part of our God, He loves us so much that He asks nothing of us, and there is nothing we can do to deserve His Grace, we are blessed with His grace simply because of His kindess and love

I know in my experience there is no feeling in the world like being wrapped in God's grace. In the lowest moment of my life, the moment I was truly saved by God (even if in that moment I didn't know it right away) I felt His grace. It was a feeling of warmth that embraced me like a warm sweater, a tingling sensation that over whelmed me and comforted me. A calm wave that brought peace to my whole person. I try to explain that feeling to those that have asked what grace really is. I have gotten a little feedback from friends who have found those moments of grace when they were surrounded by fear or insecurites and God wrapped his grace around them and let His peace flow. It is in moments like that when we can turn to God, and ask for salvation and turn our lives over to Him, where the promise of life everlasting with Jesus Christ is a guarantee. Really, how great is God? Our God is awesome. His love and grace is never ending and totally unconditional. His mercy is new and fresh every morning.

Glory to God.

I hope in some small way this will help lead you to Him, who ever you are, where ever you, no matter what baggage you bring. God loves you and wants to bring you home.

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